Wednesday, May 15, 2013



Saya sedang menghitung hari for AF.start semalam hint2 sudah menjelma..

But today it getting worse.start saya masuk ofis, saya rasa perot cramp+memulas..which saya dah tak boleh bezakan coz it's unbearable pun saya sedang menaip sambil tarik nafas dalam2 and hembus balik to reduce the pain.Pinggang saya juga sakit.2-3 hari nih dah la mcm kena sembelit.

Sebelum nih saya selalu ada pre-menstrual pain,buat bukan mcm nih.usually saya akan saya akan rasa cramp and ngilu2 at private part..but it will be on off.not continuously like this. 

Is it because of all vitamins that i consumed this month?so bile nk period nih jadi mcm burst?

The worst thing is i can't go to clinic to get mc as my boss will receive visitors today and surely i've to be in the office.

Hopefully saya dapat bertahan sehingga habis waktu kerja dan x menjejaskan puasa saya.

breath in..breath out..fuh3..


  1. Sapu minyak panas dear, kasik hilang sikit cramping tu. If x de, try masukkn air panas dlm bekas mineral water. Tuam kt tmpt cramp tu. Bila panas, darah lancar sikit nk keluar. Take care :-)

  2. suka part breath in, breath really works!
