Wednesday, June 20, 2012

1st Cycle After Laparoscopy

Dah almost sebulan since i did my laparoscopy.alhamdulillah..segala nya sudah kembali normal.cuma i'm not sure whether i dah boleh start angkat benda2 berat like main bowling bola 10kg? :)

last time,after operation tuh ada keluar darah macam period.but since prof ade buat D&C so it's considered as darah nifas (kot).

so last week was my 1st menses.starting tuesday malam before tido..itu pun keluar like sehelai darah mcm tuh.was2 nk solat atau tak but hubby kate xyah solat..esok nye pun xkuar darah lendir pinkish2 gitu (sorry for being sooo detailing).

dalam hati mcm.."nape malu2 je period nih nk keluar?".xpenah2 ok jadi macam nih.malam second day tuh baru nampak the real and normal darah..before tidur.i dah plan nk call klinik nak tanya whether i should on clomid atau camne tp x jd sbb dh keluar pure darah.3rd and 4th day baru darah keluar melambak2..pakai wing n tukar ikut timing yg betul pun it was like mcm x cukup!hahaha.

but the good thing was i didn't feel any critical pain.takde rase mcm nak terguling2 macam selalu.just few days before period je rase macam sengal2 sikit.that's it.alhamdulliah.

cuma since period starting mcm ting tong sket so i'm not so confident with clomid this time around.timing mcm salah je..ntah blh membesar ke tak telur2 kt dalam tuh.exercise pun dh x brp nk buat..ntah ape yg letih sgt pun xtau la.but we've change our white rice to brown i dah nk start no rice for dinner.i want to start with dinner brown bread with ham.ingat nak beli yg ada jual lambak kt giant or jusco tp tak terbeli lg!hehehe

supplement yg prof bagi masih ada bnyk lg.x konsisten langsung!kalo ade mood makan..kalo x,buat xtau jela!hehe.

currently,me n my husband are stepping up in new stages in our life.i just resigned from my current job for a better offer.and we're in the process of buying our 2nd house.terjerut rase nye leher masing2..hahaha.but we do not want to stay complacent forever.the decisions made are for a better life of us.

kami mengharapkan yang terbaik drpd keputusan kami nih.if banyak obstacles, mintak2 Allah permudahkan segalanya.

till then!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Speedy recovery

Last wednesday i visited Prof Hamid, utk check balik luka n plan for next action.appointment petang and terlambat plak sampai kt klinik.sampai2 dh ramai org tunggu..rupe2nye prof tak sampai lg.

almost 1 and half hour waited,baru nama saya dipanggil.terus prof nk check luka jahitan saya and nurse yg baik hati tuh tolong guntingkan benang yg ada.x sakit pun kate luka saya ok..xde nanah or watsoeva.lega..

then,cosultation session.macam biase la..motivation utk kurangkan berat badan.both tubes saya dah ok.saya bgtau prof yg saya mcm dah hilang selera..(yela..dah kena berpantang bagaikan).prof kate..maybe kesan bagus la tuh!ade plak camtuh..hehehe.saya suka jumpa prof..dia ade sense of humor and fatherly sangat. dr, aimy pun best jugak..senang nk tanya ape2 yg saya x faham.

a'way prof asked us to try natural dlu with bantuan clomid utk 2 cycle.if tak berjaya pregnant jugak,after raya jumpa dia balik.saya pun ada minta prof extend siap tanya nk berapa lama..kalo blh nak sebulan!hihihi.but no..saya just mintak instead of sampai rabu,extend until monday saya blh masuk office.i'm sure my office-mate mesti surprised nanti sbb saya estimate saya akan MC sebulan.

i asked prof if i can start driving.dia kate boleh..nk start bersama ngan husband pun boleh!hihi.laporoskopi is not complicated as open up operation tuh.

saya balik disertai dengan supplements like habatuss sauda, fish oil and obimin

saya x ikut parents saya pulang ke kampung sbb rasa dah sihat sangat..blh lompat2 lg!:)
boleh temankan husband jugak..sian dia sorang2 kt cnih
makan pun dh tak pantang..except telur and seafood
selera makan dh kembali pada asal..risau dibuatnya
after operation arituh managed to reduce 300g within a week
jgn la naik mendadak balik since i'll be in clomid again...pheww!

till then..
